Written by: Dylan Michael
Every dog owner can agree on one thing; pets are your family. So whenever you're in the planning stages of your big day and it's time to send out those invitations, you might begrudgingly invite that one uncle, but, what about your dog? This is a dillema that many face. We're here to break it down.
In many cases, excluding your dog from your wedding day may not be your intention. However, it could be neccessary in some cases depending on what's best for the dog at hand. Here are some things to consider:
Crowds. Some dogs don't do well with lots of people or activity. Consider your dogs's personality and whether they get stressed in crowds. Some key signs to look for when determining if this is the case:
Body Language: Flattened ears, tucked tail, lowered body posture, stiff gait, raised hackles on the back
Vocalizations: Whining, whimpering, excessive barking, growling
Avoidance behaviors: Trying to hide behind you, pulling away from the crowd, seeking to leave the area
Physical reactions: Excessive panting, drooling, trembling, shaking
Aggression: Snapping, lunging, showing teeth, staring intensely
Distractions: A dog is easily distracted if they constantly walk away when something interesting is nearby. Like, a squirrel or a mail man. A mail man delivering squirrels. A squirrel dressed up as a mail man- Okay, maybe I'm easily distracted. Point being, you don't want to worry about your dog running around all willy nilly while you're focused on getting married.
Venue: Many wedding venues don't allow dogs, so check in with them about their policies. Here at The Bricks, we allow dogs to be involved in your wedding. But, other places obviously aren't as cool as us.
Wags of Love
If none of those concerns are concerning to you, I reccommend including your furry (or hairless) friends in your festivities. If you're looking to spruce them up a bit for the big day, enter Wags of Love. Wags of Love is a pet wedding attendant service specializing in helping couples include their dogs in your event. Their approach to their services are all about infusing elegance, sophistication, and personalized care into every moment of your pet's involvement in your special day.
In conclusion, dogs are man's best friend. They deserve to be included in the celebration of your love. If you're a dog owner booking a wedding with us at The Bricks in Cherry Valley and went into this article unsure, we hope we've helped you make your decision.